Get to Know Me
I feel like I have been looking at the world through a lens my entire life, long before I learned how to make a photograph. As a child, I remember watching the light dance across the lake as it made its way above the horizon or the rhythm of the waves crashing on the shore of Lake Winnipeg. I loved to watch the way the shadows moved across the wall of my bedroom as a car passed by. I still look at the world this way. I love to observe the quiet, peaceful moments in an otherwise busy day. Even if I am at a rock concert, I am constantly looking for opportunities to capture the beauty of the experience.
I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with my husband John and our two young adult sons, Cameron and Colin. We share the house with our Golden Retriever, George Harrison and our four cats. We spend most weekends of the year at our cottage on beautiful Lake Pemichagan in Quebec, just an hour’s drive from the city. John and I enjoy traveling (a perfect excuse to bring along the camera).
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What I've been shooting
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