Alone in the Woods

I used to be a winter person,  but something happens when you get older and you realize that winter is hard.  It’s long, dark and cold.   You get cranky that the city hasn’t cleared the sidewalks and you pine for the days when you can leave the house in your flip-flops.  This winter has been different, though.  It’s still cold and dark, but I have been enjoying myself like I haven’t in a long time.   My pup needs to get out for his walks and we’ve been hanging out at the dog park.  Playing fetch and running through the snow (George, not me).  We stay out forever!  It’s like being a kid.  It’s just so beautiful!

This past weekend, up at the lake,  my hubby and I were out in the woods with the dog on a mission to dig out his stuck ATV.  After he and the dog took off into the distance, I went home for my camera (and spare batteries…it was COLD!) then headed back to the peace and quiet of the forest.  The snow clinging to the remaining leaves on the trees.  The warmth of the leaves juxtaposed against the cool white snow.  It really was something.

The Serenity Blog Circle is a collaborative photography project in which we want to share images that convey peace and calm.  Please click over to see what Carri Peterson of Sunlit Moments Photography is finding serene this month.


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  • […] This month is no exception in finding serenity all around us in this world.  My talented friend Sue Bahen is next in line.  Follow the circle around to see what she has to share this […]ReplyCancel

  • IrisFebruary 15, 2017 - 8:56 pm

    It does look cool with the snow and the leaves. I am glad that you are enjoying this winter a little. I feel the same way about summers in Arizona.ReplyCancel

    • adminFebruary 16, 2017 - 2:53 pm

      I have to admit, I think your summers are more unbearable than our winters. We can always bundle up. You can only take off so many clothes before you get into trouble.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer CarrFebruary 17, 2017 - 8:38 am

    These are beautiful! I love how much you have been enjoying this winter. It’s so great to see you making time for yourself to just “be.” <3ReplyCancel

  • adminFebruary 17, 2017 - 8:46 am

    Thank you, Jenny! I really have been. John asked if I was going to take George with me and I said, “No way!!” I was thinking of you though. You would have loved it.ReplyCancel

  • KathyFebruary 17, 2017 - 8:55 am

    Lovely, lovely, lovely! Walking in the quietness of snow is special to me too. I LOVE how you can see mini-snowflakes on the leaves <3ReplyCancel